Tuesday, April 1, 2008


We went to a local Nursing Home's Easter Egg Hunt. Our group won three of the five extra prizes that the bunny left for them. Our little Ralph won an Easter Bunny. When the nice lady handed him his prize, he looked at it and very nicely said, "Thank You!". He then turned and handed it to me. They then asked to get the children together to take a picture and he looks at me and says,"NO" very quietly to me. She asked again and he said no so I leaned over and said very quietly to him, "You have the count of five; five, four, three, two..."Fine" he says, grabs the bunny and smiles from ear to ear. I was so proud of him! After they took the picture he turns to me, hands me the bunny and says, "Let's go mom..." and started walking out the door. When we got to Grandma's house, he gave the "girly bunny" to his grandma because she likes bunnies.

Top Picture: Our kids with the Peuterschmidts! Can you tell who is who? :)

Newspaper Clipping: Pictured from Left to Right: Little boy; Ralph; Our Friend Parker; Little girl; Our Friend Ashley. Oh, and do you see Mom smiling with pride from the background? :)

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