Friday, April 11, 2008


We always say that Audry is our drama queen. Case in point - Wednesday when we were at Dr. GermiesBeGone, she gave Audry two shots - one in each leg. She was such a brave little girl during the shots (mom said that if she did not cry too much she would get a sucker). AFTER the shots, HOLY COW! Audry started crying and crying and saying how much her legs hurt. The nurse told us that we could go sit in the waiting room and wait for 15min to make sure the antibiotics did not cause an allergic reaction. On the way out, Audry drops to the floor like a sack of potatoes! She is walking and crying and then she is flat on her face on the floor - crying. At first we were all worried until we realized that she was just having one of her drama moments to let me know how bad her legs hurt. I have pondered many times what she was thinking taking a header to the floor and have wondered once or twice if she briefly passed out but...Anywho, she was fine - just sore legs.

Onto today...Dr. GermiesBeGone wanted her to come back today to make sure that she was getting better. And I thougth that she was. Wednesday she was lying around looking sickly, Thursday her daddy cannot get her to settle down. NIGHT AND DAY. Dr. GermiesBeGone takes one listen to her chest and looks worried - her lungs are not clearing up. "Hospital bad" is what she said. But still no symptoms. Then Dr. GermiesBeGone says - "Let's try a breathing treatment so see if it helps break up the crummies in her chest" and then she explains what she is going to do to Audry. After the Dr. left to get the nebulizer, Audry looks at me and says, "At least it's not another shot!"

PS The treatment did work and she is on them three times a day until Tuesday when we go back - again....


househunter said...

One thing after another! Is Dr. GermieBeGone your new best friend? Sounds like you see her more than your husband, jk:)I hope Audrey's lungs clear up quickly! Have a nice weekend ~ at least you're not cleaning up puke!

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm just tired after reading your posts! Sick kids are NO fun and before I jinx myself I hope your little ones get better asap! Hang in there-


Caty said...

Her poor little body! That picture is really sad...

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