Thursday, December 17, 2009

Finals Week...Christmas List

OK, so if you didn't know...THIS IS FINALS WEEK.
(Can you hear the angels singing too?!)
Monday, I was studying in my room.
Ralphie is watching a movie in the Living Room .
(Yes, that is how we spent that day...WAY MORE THEN THE RECOMMENDED 2 Hours of TV)Jake comes home from school -"Hey sweet guy! Mommy is studying go ahead and make your self some popcorn and finish the movie with Ralphie."
(Girl's are still at school)

10 minutes later...

My house is filled with smoke...
Not just smoke.
Smoke so thick it is only three feet off the ground and burning my eyes and throat.
Seriously, I thought the kitchen was on fire....
After we got all the windows open (30 degrees NOT counting the wind chill) I get the story.
Ralphie cooked popcorn...
Jake cooked popcorn....
Ralphie cooked popcorn...
The problem???
They cooked the same bag...THREE TIMES!
Apparently, Ralphie cooked it. Jake thought that he didn't start it so he went in there and without checking it cooked it again...then Ralphie thought that Jake put a new bag in and WITHOUT looking AGAIN...cooked the popcorn....

Funny story right? Are your toes curling from the thought of popcorn so very burnt that it doesn't even smell like burnt popcorn anymore? Can you imagine what my microwave looked like? (Yes you are going to have to imagine because I forgot to get the picture of my mess).

Fast I get to clean the microwave. It was awful...The smoke was so very sticky and yucky.
Now, I thought,"The best way to clean this is to steam a little water in a cup and then wipe it out"
Sounds good - RIGHT?

OK, so that is what I did. I put about 1 to 1 1/2 cup water in a glass cup in the microwave, set it for 3 min and walked away to let it do its magic...

And magic it did! I hear JP call from the Living Room..."Um, Sunshine, you better get in here your microwave just did something!"

I go in there, there is water POURING out of the bottom of the microwave...I swear it was growing!
What happened?
Mystery to this day...
I asked JP about it and all he said that there was a gurgling sound then a bang then a sizzle...I told you it worked magic!

So, as I am pondering on this occurance, I pick up the microwave to move it to clean up the expanding puddle underneath (and yes the cup was fine and there is still water in it - truely a mystery!) and water just comes pouring out from some hole in the bottom and JP says,
"Um, I don't know much about microwaves, but I am pretty sure it isn't supposed to pee."


So, what does this have to do with christmas lists???
All I want for christmas is this and three new kitchen outlets to replace the three that got FRIED!


Erin Sipes said...

Too funny!

househunter said...

Hillarious, but I'm sorry you had so much damage. How are your eyes? You might want to try craigslist to find another microwave. The dishwasher I got was a steal and almost brand new, someone was upgrading to stainless steel. Good luck!

Michelle said...

Haha...That's dang funny! I had some students burn popcorn in my classroom once when they cooked a mini bag with a full size bag time, but that's nothing like cooking it 3 times! It took me a while to get the smell out of my room, but I didn't have quite so much drama cleaning up :)

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