When JP and I got married, we moved into a new city. The church ward that we moved into was fairly large and we were enjoying getting to know some new people. One day about six months into our residence there, Bishop Peterson came up to us in the hallway and said, "Are you guys new? I have not seen you here before..." We had a good laugh and introduced ourselves and went on our ways...The next week we were both called into his office and were given our first callings as a married couple - Ward Missionaries if I remember correctly...
And thus began the very long stint of different callings. Everything from missionaries to primary presidencies (Sunshine) and the Bishopric (JP) plus just about everything you can imagine in between.
My most current calling was that of the Primary Presidency in which I was first counselor. Before that I enjoyed teaching Sunday School to the 14 and 15 year old youth in our ward. A calling I had for the better part of three years. Well, the week before General Conference, I was released from my Sunday School calling and placed into Primary.
Now keep in mind, with my Sunday School calling, I was able to go to Relief Society for three years straight. If you are not familiar with the church, that is the class with the women. A wonderfuly spiritually feasting hour without the children. THREE YEARS PEOPLE - can we say HEAVEN? So when the Bishop asked me to go to Primary (two hours with ALL THE CHILDREN) I felt that it was my "time" and was happy to go after THREE YEARS of Adult lessons.
That was the last weekend in September when I was given this new calling. January is my month to teach Sharing Time...UNTIL TODAY! Yes, ladies and gentleman, I was released and only two months into my time! And, for the first time in the twelve years that I have been married, I DON'T HAVE A CALLING!
And no, there is nothing that I need to repent of that would have precipitated this release ( you know you were thinking it and shame on you for that!).
The Primary President was called to be a Seminary teacher and when they release the President, they release the counselors as well.
NO CALLING! :) Did you hear me? I am truly on vacation! No school, no lessons to prepare. And if JP is anything to believe, there is nothing in the works as of today...
Too bad I am married to the first counselor in the Bishopric, otherwise, I think that my favorite game would become "Dodge the Bishop" at least for a little while!
Post note: If you are not familiar with the church, we are a lay church which means that the members of the church are given "callings" in which we teach each other. Everyone from the Prophet all the way down the line are not paid for our time or services (unless you count blessings, then I would be a MILLIONAIRE!) I myself have had the opportunity to teach in every aspect of the ward (local congregration) and have thourghly enjoyed each of the different callings and was sad when I was released. There is a saying that I have heard before that states that the Lord calls those who need the growth most to teach, and I have found that to be true in every calling I have had. I learn so much from those that I serve and feel that each calling helped me to become a better person, if I let it. If you would like to know more, go here.
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